Remember October 2024 is Membership renewal time. Fill in the form to renew your Membership ‘till September 2025. The form was with your last newsletter.
Only people who have renewed their Membership in time get priority tickets for the Members’ Christmas Party. Only people who have renewed their Membership get to vote for our Board of Charity Trustees at the Annual General Meeting in February 2025. So renew your Membership right away.
This year when you pay for your Membership you can choose to have a paper newsletter sent to your home in the post. Or you can choose to get your newsletter on email. Most people will be able to get the email on their phone. You decide. In the post or on an email.
If you want a paper copy of the newsletter Membership will cost £10. If you want a copy of the newsletter on email Membership will cost £5. You can tell us what you want on the Membership Form.
If you need help with the Membership form or help with getting the newsletter on email come in to the office or phone the office on 0151 666 1829.